The docks were slick. Just getting down to the boat made for an adventure.
While launching, I couldn't help but notice those two damn bar lights flashing. "Uh oh", I thought....
But then realized, it might just be restricted. I hailed and heard it was restricted to 16' and under. WOOHOO! That's what we needed to hear!
We dropped 4 pots in the bay by barview, and headed out to the tips. We poked our head out and was literally smooth sailing! A GREAT DECEMBER OCEAN! The forcast was for 2 and 5 at 13 or so, and was more like 1 and 4. We shot across and headed south for some rock fish.
I took a friend that hadn't been out of Garibaldi before, so I wanted to show him 3 Arches, and some of the scenery around there..
For those that haven't, its almost as amazing, just floating below those cliffs and rocks.. Makes you feel pretty small!
Well, we slid out a little ways and found some pinnacles to fish. After fishing a couple hours on some different mounds, gathered our rock fish and started back. I also caught a healthy cabazon, but it needed to go back down.
We rolled across a 'flat-as-a-pancake' bar to check the pots. Almost had our two limits in one pull, but tossed them back in for another soak through the high slack.
Hearing that there are still a few chinook stragglers out there, we thought we'd try to 'Mine some Chrome Gold from the Glory...errr, Ghost Hole.
As you can see, it was windy the rain was blowing sideways! ...okay, not so much..

There was only one other boat fishing, and was the same boat we saw earlier in the morning. The tide was JUST starting to run out so we went just south of the pooper, turned back toward Garibaldi, and deployed a couple herring. Within 5 mins, Gary's rod almost looked snagged but then started violently ripping line. He jumps up, grabs the rod, and the fight is on! It may have just been us, but the color of that fish, with the sun above, was UNBELIEVABLE! the Greens and blues and purples were SO amazingly vibrant. More so than I've normally seen (I was net man, so no pics of that). This fish was hot and took 3-4 good runs. I wasn't about to scoop at him til his head was coming at the net.. He cam right up to the boat and it was a standstill for what felt like 5 mins.. Him on the surface, just out of net's range, and head pointing away from us... wait...wait...wait... FINALLY!! He turned his head as it to dive under the boat and run. ...However, I wasn't going to let that happen. I slid the net down in the water so he ran directly in.
SCORE!! A 32lb December Chromer! We were ecstatic! What a trifecta! Rockfish, Salmon, and Crabs! Felt almost like August!
It was now about 2:30 so we made a couple more passes and decided to call it. We went back out to the pots, grabbed some monsters, and filled our limits!
Sure makes for a great ride in, when you have a boat full of bounty!
We couldn't have asked for a better day, or better weather window. The temp finally reached about 45-50 and was very pleasant with no wind until the end of the day when it turned around from the north.. but I can take a 0-5kt wind from the N!
See ya at the next weather window!!!