Sooo, we went anyway. I brined up some herring the night before, tied up some leaders, and we were off.
Last time I was in Garibaldi was for longfins, so it was change to drag some herring so slowly in the bay. We got there and noticed barely a ripple on the bay.
The weather was AMAZING for November. Hell, for almost any day over there!
The few clouds around, quickly evaporated.
We started out by the CG tower, but it was fairly rough. We set the crab traps, made a couple passes, but no feeshes...
Then a couple runs by the CG station. Again not a whisper...of fish, OR wind...
We decided to head over to the ghost hole, where most of the other 20-30 boats were.
Lines were deployed.
I can't help but notice Johnny Bowles alongside.
He had a good day, btw

First pass, heading downhill on the incoming, my dad notices his rod going ape-crap and jumps up and the fight was on! A nice buck that took a couple good runs around the boat, but finally contained. My dad followed that fish around the outboards, and under the boat like a pro!! I was even
impressed! I net the fish and the hook immediately pops out. WHEW!
...and what better person to have it then dad!
My dad is 6'4 if that helps for perspective of the fish...
We were fortunate enough to pull 3 crabs from two pots for the day to add to the fish. We were very thankful for such a great bounty from the bay!!
Another great trip to Little Italy!! ...Winter Styleee!
Those photos are stunning, Stoney! That's a huge fish for a first catch. Lucky you! It's nice that fishing serves as a bonding activity between you and your dad. That's an awesome boat, by the way. :)