...Man, you wanna talk about great ways to fish for Halibut! Bud had some SWEEEEET new electric reels.
Felt like we were almost cheating, it was too easy to pull those up. just flip the switch and control the speed. I couldn't help but chuckle, looking over at the charter boat, right next to us, as some guy is straining himself, lifting, and reeling, lifting and reeling, as I just flip the switch and smile.

We Picked up 3 chickens on the first drift, then filled the tags on the second drift. Eric picked up, what we THOUGHT was a Halibut, but turned out to be some type of shark.

I'm sure someone out there knows what kind of shark this is, we didn't, so I took some pictures, so someone could let us know what it was. (Notice the blood drips falling from the shark's head in mid air?. thought that was kinda cool...)

Picked up gear, ran in, and dropped lines for salmon. The salmon bite was pretty hot. We lost a fish right at the boat that had to be 30+... Eric managed to land this nice hog.

Seely got into the action, too! Hooked up with a GIANT!

The fish ended up 'Fish-slappin' her though, right when I took the picture.

Sorry, Michelle, Had to put that pic in.

Caught a few feeders, and some silvers too.. Even got a couple while reeling up to the boat.
Took the fish home, Doug, Eric, and I cleaned our prizes, and we called it a day.
The ocean was calm, the sun was beating down.. couldn't have asked for much better weather! ...AND able to take home some salmon and halibut for a BBQ tonight!

Thanks again Bud, had a Stellar time out there!

Felt like we were runnin for Tuna out there ..expecting to see jumpers. But guess that'll have to wait a month or so...

...Doug can tell ya about the last Halibut...