As it got near the boat, it took a deathdive. On the electronics, you could see the fish dive to almost 75 feet. I finally turned the fish and started bringing it back up.. As it rose to 30 ft or so, it became heavier and the fight was more like a large salmon.
I knew what happened at this point, since there had been a couple sharks in the area recently. We already had a double on, so once one fish was in the boat, we focused on mine. We could see Color at that point, as the fished came up from under the boat. However, this tuna had about 5-6 ft of black shadow attached to it. ...Longer tuna than we were used to!

We grabbed the leader, gaffed the fish, and at that point, the shark thrashed its head side-to-side, and ripped off the back half of that Tuna. We brought the tuna up, looked at it quivering. That shark was determined to take its piece. After it was over, I got half, and it got half. ..BUT I GOT THE GOOD HALF!
...It really got a butt-chewin!

Anyway, I only had my camera phone, so the detail isn't that great. here's a picture once we got the fish and put it on ice.

Here's a closer look. Check out the teeth marks shredding the skin just up from the main wound. I can't even imagine if that were an arm!